American Speech-Language-Hearing Association - ASHA is the professional, scientific, and credentialing association for more than 123,000 members and affiliates who are speech-language pathologists, audiologists, and speech, language, and hearing scientists in the United States and internationally.ASL Interpreter Network - ASL Interpreter Network is an interpreter referral agency serving the Puget Sound area. We provide interpreters for any situation requiring communication between hearing and Deaf persons. From the highly technical customer requiring specifically educated interpreters, to the person with limited language abilities who needs extra communication tools, we can do it all.
American Tinnitus Association - Founded in 1971 by Dr. Charles Unice, ATA began as a volunteer-staffed organization in a closet-sized office. Today, it is the nation's preeminent voice on tinnitus. In its 34-year history, ATA has provided information, resources, and support to hundreds of thousands of people around the world. The ATA has given three million dollars in research grants to researchers across the country.
Better Hearing Institute - The Better Hearing Institute (BHI) is a not-for-profit corporation that educates the public about the neglected problem of hearing loss and what can be done about it. Founded in 1973, they are working to: Erase the stigma and end the embarrassment that prevents millions of people from seeking help for hearing loss. Show the negative consequences of untreated hearing loss for millions of Americans. Promote treatment and demonstrate that this is a national problem that can be solved.
Cochlear Implants - A cochlear implant is a small, complex electronic device that can help to provide a sense of sound to a person who is profoundly deaf or severely hard of hearing. The implant is surgically placed under the skin behind the ear. An implant has four basic parts.
Decibel (Loudness) Comparison Chart
Frequently Asked Questions about Hearing Aids
Gallaudet University - Gallaudet University leads the world in undergraduate liberal arts education, career development, and outstanding graduate programs for deaf, hard-of-hearing, and hearing students. The University also enjoys international renown for its research on the history, language, and culture of deaf people.
Hearing Regeneration - Wouldn't it be wonderful if our hearing got better instead of worse as we went through life? Unfortunately, we live in a noisy world and our hearing just gets worse. Loud sharp noises like rock concerts, fire crackers, guns, chainsaws all destroy hair cells which produce hearing (How Loud is Too Loud - Quicktime Movie). Once damaged, we lose our hearing and those haircells are never replaced by nature. Roughly ten percent of the U.S. population suffers from hearing loss. By the time we become senior citizens about half of us have damaged haircells and if we live long enough we will probably all have hearing problems. But, not all is lost! There is a possibility of hearing regeneration.
Rotarians for Hearing Regeneration - Rotarians for Hearing Regeneration; A Rotarian Action Group formerly know as The International Fellowship of Rotarians Affected by Hearing Loss (IFRAHL), sponsored by Clover Park Rotary Club, has received Rotary International approval as an Action Group. RFHR's purpose is to unite Rotarians around the world to create more awareness of the problems associated with the loss of hearing. These problems impact the individuals and their families as well as our society with both economic and personal loss. The Action Group will also promote interest in research and the funding of the Hearing Regeneration Initiative at the Virginia Merrill Bloedel Hearing Research Center at the University of Washington.
Rotary Club of Tacoma #8 - Check in with the 8th oldest Rotary Club in the world and find out what they are doing in their community and around the world.
Rotary International - Rotary International.
Tacoma Exchange Club - From turn-around high school students to painting houses for the elderly, this enthusiastic group meets weekly to improve our community.
Tacoma Networking - Tacoma Executive Association - The Tacoma Executives Association was founded in 1917. It is part of the "Executives Association Movement" with associate offices in over 120 major cities and six foreign countries. The Tacoma Executives Association is composed of leading non-competing businesses in the Tacoma-Pierce County area, each represented by a key executive. The sole function is to increase the sale of goods and services of its members through the exchange of business information or "leads."
Classifications are protected and competition between members is minimal. If you wish to become associated with the Executives, you will be asked to complete a formal application and submit an entrance fee. This fee will be refunded should your application be found in conflict with an existing member. Dues are payable quarterly in advance and include the luncheon fee for the regular weekly meeting.
Through well-planned, weekly luncheon meetings and special events, members become part of a close-knit organization which is focused on increasing member business volume. The T.E.A. will make available to you and your company the services and executives now associated with select member businesses. They will become your unpaid "sales force".
We meet each Wednesday and each meeting is fun and informative. We have an annual golf tournament and a fundraiser. Our fundraiser this year is Pardi Gras! which features a New Orleans Casino and Auction on the 29th of October. For more information visit our website: Tacoma Executive Assocation or call 253-265-3042 for complete details and an invitation to lunch.
Washington State Heroes to Hometowns - "Heroes to Hometowns" is a transition program for severely injured service members returning home from OEF/OIF. "Heroes to Hometowns" establishes a support network and coordinates resources for those servicemembers.
The Doman Directories
4701 North Huson, Tacoma, WA 98407
(253) 759-6639, (253) 759-8373 fax